Alexander Rose
Executive Director of Foundation for the Long Now.
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March 15, 2009.
Executive Director of Foundation for the Long Now.
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March 15, 2009.
Robin Chase is the co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, an innovative
car sharing service, and is currently the CEO of GoLoco.org, a venture
combining online carpooling and social networking. She is also founder
of Meadow Networks, a transportation consulting firm, and maintains a
blog Network Musings on the topics of climate change, transportation,
and wireless networks.
Chase has been frequently featured in the major media including the
Today Show, The New York Times, National Public Radio, Wired, Newsweek
and Time magazines, as well as several books on entrepreneurship. She
has received many awards, including the Massachusetts Governor’s Award
for Entrepreneurial Spirit, Start-up Woman of the Year, Business
Week’s top 10 designers, Fast Company’s Fast 50 Champions of
Innovation, technology and innovation awards from Fortune, CIO, and
InfoWorld magazines, and numerous environmental awards from national,
state and local governments and organizations.
Chase graduated from Wellesley College and MIT’s Sloan School of
Management, and won the competitive Loeb Fellowship at the Harvard
Graduate School of Design.
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October 23, 2008.
Rives (rhymes with ‘weaves’) designs interactive narratives for grown-
ups. Part poet, part storyteller, Rives offers audiences uniquely
intelligent and creative entertainment—impossible to categorize for a
print medium like this bio. He’s extraordinarily deft with words,
extremely clever, creative, and intellectually alive. His work bursts
in multiple directions, makes surprising connec tions, and leaves you
gasping and laughing. For his avid use of technology, he’s been called
“the first 2.0 poet,” incorporating images, video, and text, often
involving audience members.
Rives is the co-host of Bravo channel’s new show Ironic Iconic
America, a unique and whimsical tour of contempo rary American culture
debuting October 3, 2008. He is a regular at the annual TED
Conference, where he earns standing ovations. He’s appeared at the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival and on the last four seasons of HBO’s Def
Poetry Jam. He was the 2004 National Poetry Slam champion.
Rives’s clients include Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Hallmark, Wieden
+Kennedy, Business Objects, Northwestern Univer sity, and the House of
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October 8, 2008.
There’s nothing new about making lemonade out of lemons. But giving true brand panache to mundane products like soaps and household cleaners? Now that’s an accomplishment. And Adam Lowry and his partner, Eric Ryan, have done it. Method Products, their household-cleaning products company, is generating sales at a $40-million annual run rate after less than five years in business.
Adam graduated in chemical engineering from Stanford, which is impressive enough. But after stints as 1) a researcher at a “green” plastics company in Michigan , 2) a climate-change researcher with a think tank, and 3) a member of the U.S. sailing training team for the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Adam was ready to tap his inner entrepreneur.
He and Eric had been high-school buddies in suburban Detroit and were roomies in San Francisco. And on a long drive one day they began talking about hum-drum product categories that could be transformed through fresh thinking about product design and formulation – presumably, theirs. “I knew as a chemical engineer that there was no reason we couldn’t design products that were non-toxic and used natural ingredients,” Adam says. “It would be more expensive to do it that way. But that was okay as long as we created a brand that had a ‘premiumness’ about it, where our margins would support our extra investments in product development and high quality ingredients.”
Adam and Eric came up with a complete line of cleaners and soaps, each one for a different room in the house. Now they have more than 100 products under the Method Home brand umbrella. “We’ve crafted a master brand in home care,” Adam says.
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May 8, 2008.
Cofounder and partner of non·object. Entrepreneur and master of the unexpected, Branko is non·object’s design experience visionary and author of the soon to be released non·object Design Fiction book.
Prior to non·object, branko was a lead industrial designer at frogdesign and IDEO, where he lead projects for clients such as Nike, Adidas, Samsung, Intel, Motorola, SAP, HP, Pepsi, Starbucks, Ford, Herman Miller and other major international companies. Branko won his first design contract at the age of 18 back in Belgrade, Serbia. Since then, he has created work in a wide variety of
areas, including industrial and product design, branding, sustainable design, graphic communication, digital media, and conceptual design. Branko holds many patents and has won numerous national and international awards in the field of design and branding including Business Week IDEA Gold Award, Graphis Design Annual Award, International Design magazine Awards, red dot Awards, Good Design Award etc.
Branko earned a B.S. in Industrial Design from the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia.
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April 30, 2008
Stefan Sagmeister is one of the most influential graphic designers in the world working today. Since 1993 Sagmeister Inc., has focused on all things printed, including posters, brochures, books, and graphics and packaging for music clients. Sagmeister’s award-winning work has been recognized in national publications such as The New York Times, Time, Rolling Stone, and Wired. He’s created iconic album covers for Lou Reed, the Talking Heads, and the Rolling Stones. Born in Austria, he now lives in New York City. His recent publication, “Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far” has received grand acclaim from a wide audience.
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March 5th, 2008.
Rich Silverstein is the Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, an dvertising agency in San Francisco. In their twenty-three year history they have been one of the most honored agencies in the world. They were recently named “2006 Agency of the Year” by both AdWeek and Creativity, and Advertising Age selected them for “2006 Digital Agency of the Year” and “2006 Campaign of the Year” for their Hewlett-Packard campaign.
Rich grew up in New York and attended the Parsons School of Design. He began his career as an art director for Rolling Stone magazine and then worked at various advertising agencies before founding his own agency in 1984 with Jeff Goodby. He is a member of both the New York Art Director’s and the One Club of New York’s Halls of Fame.
In addition, Rich also serves on the boards for the USA Cycling Federation, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and Specialized Bicycles.
November 15, 2007.
Sara Beckman is a professor at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. She is part of the Operations and Information Technology group, studying methods that companies use to reach world class standards in the production and delivery of goods and services.
Sara’s current research interests include:
* Innovation and design management
* New product development
* Operations strategy
* Environmental supply chain management
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October 29, 2007.
Janine Benyus is a natural sciences writer, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including her latest − Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In Biomimicry, she names an merging discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s designs and processes (e.g., solar cells that mimic leaves, agriculture that models a prairie, businesses that run like redwood forests). Since the book’s 1997 release, Janine has evolved the practice of biomimicry, consulting with sustainable business, academic, and government leaders, serving on the Eco-Dream Team at Interface, Inc., and conducting seminars about what we can learn from the genius that surrounds us. Her favorite role is biologist-at-the-design-table, introducing innovators to organisms whose well-adapted designs have been tested over 3.8 billion years.
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October 18, 2007.
In his own words:
“I currently conduct research for Nokia Design and split my time between running user studies and developing new applications, services and products that, if I do my job right, you’ll using 3 to 15 years from now. Prior to this role I worked as Principal Researcher in the Nokia Research Center, Tokyo. I specialize in taking teams of concept/industrial designers, psychologists, usability experts, sociologists, and ethnographers into the field and, Jan – on the phone displayafter a fair bit of work, getting them home safely. The tough part of the job is in using the data to inform, inspire and affect how my colleagues think and what they do, and in turning research into core intellectual property that underpins the future business. I live and work from Tokyo, my home since 2000.”
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September 27, 2007.